Saturday, October 1, 2022

4 Clusters & Cluster Frames: Jenn's Designs

To view the previews at full size, just click on the thumbnails

Created 4 free clusters and cluster frames using the stunning PTU kits from Jenn's Designs
These are all for personal use only and group and tutorials friendly
Please direct people to my blog for download and don't add to your tutorial supplies
For groups, share the preview image and link back to this post
Not on the preview but there is a no front elements on the cluster frame
This applies to the Bunny Surprise preview
If you would like to download these please use the links below:


Had to change on how you comment on my blog. I've had to change it to Anyone (anonymous) so please add your name to the end of your comment so I don't get confused on who's posted. I'm easily confused and it doesn't take much.

Thank you,

Bekki Jane Designs