Sunday, January 29, 2023

Good Vibes & Easter Blessings Wortart Templates

New wordart templates for you use in your tagging projects
Good for challenges, tutorials, though please share the previews, blog post and not the download links
Tutorial writers, please don't add to your supplies, direct your readers to the blog post
If you would like these, then please use the links below:

Example tags that I have made on what you can do with the wordart templates
The Good Vibes one was made using a free kit from Tasha's Playground
The Easter Blessings one was made using a PTU kit from Tiny Turtle Designs

1 comment:

Had to change on how you comment on my blog. I've had to change it to Anyone (anonymous) so please add your name to the end of your comment so I don't get confused on who's posted. I'm easily confused and it doesn't take much.

Thank you,

Bekki Jane Designs