Sunday, January 29, 2023

Puppy Love

Right I know that I suck at making these but I like making them
Anyways Puppy Love forum set templates for you and the choice of 2 avatars
Tutorial and challenge friendly though tut writers don't add to your supplies
If you don't want to use the wordart you can take them off
If you would like this, then please use the link below:

The above is what I've made using the forum set template and use the circle avatar template
For this one I have used a PTU kit form Bella Caribena


Had to change on how you comment on my blog. I've had to change it to Anyone (anonymous) so please add your name to the end of your comment so I don't get confused on who's posted. I'm easily confused and it doesn't take much.

Thank you,

Bekki Jane Designs